The Population White Paper: A Sustainable Population for a Dynamic Singapore (Jan 2013) has projected that Singapore could have a population of between 6.5 and 6.9 million by 2030. This will require 76,600ha of land, an increase from the current supply of 71,000ha.
To support this larger population, we need to (a) reclaim additional land; (b) develop some of our reserve land; (c) intensify new developments; and (d) recycle land with lower intensity uses such as old industrial areas and some golf courses to achieve higher land productivity.
Land use and allocation in Singapore is governed by our Master Plan. The Master Plan 2008 is being revised and updated to support the Population White Paper. By 2030, more than half of our land (58%) will be allocated to uses which enable us to live, work and play in a high quality environment. These uses include housing, services and manufacturing jobs, facilities and amenities, as well as green spaces such as parks and nature reserves, essential services and utilities like water and electricity. 19% of our land will support mobility within Singapore and connectivity to the rest of the world. Another 19% of our land will be for our defence needs.
Click for the table summarising the proposed land uses and planned supply.
Beyond 2030, we will still have room for growth through further land reclamation. There will also be opportunities to further optimise and redevelop our land. For example, we can look forward to the development of new growth corridors both in the north (from Woodlands to Punggol) and in the south (from Tanjong Pagar to Pasir Panjang Terminal). Over the long term, the way we live, work and play will continue to evolve, and we will continue to exploit technology and implement innovative solutions to further optimise our land uses.
The map below illustrates the likely profile of Singapore and possible land use allocation beyond 2030. It shows the scope for additional land reclamation, if needed. These reclaimed land parcels, including the land currently zoned as ‘reserve', could be used for housing, industry and other uses. In addition, the map indicates how we can potentially recycle our land for other uses in the future. We will refine these plans as our population needs and land use requirements evolve.
人口白皮書:可持續發展人口動態新加坡( 2013年1月)的預測,新加坡的人口由2030年的6.5和6.9元之間。這將需要76600公頃的土地從目前的供應7.1萬公頃,同比增長。
為了支持這個人口較多,我們需要(一)回收更多的土地; (b)制定我們的一些儲備土地; (三)加大新發展; (四)回收土地使用強度較低,如舊工業區和一些高爾夫球場,以實現更高的土地生產力。
土地使用和分配我們的總體規劃是由在新加坡。總體規劃2008年被修訂和更新,以支持人口白皮書。到2030年,我們的土地(58%)的一半以上將被分配,使我們能夠一個高品質的環境中生活,工作和娛樂的用途。這些用途包括住房,服務和生產作業,設施和設備,以及如綠地公園和自然保護區,基本服務和水,電等公用事業。 19 %的土地內的流動性將支持新加坡和連接到世界其他地區。另外19 %的土地將是為我們的國防需要。
2030年以後,我們仍然會通過進一步開荒增長空間。也將有機會進一步優化和重建我們的土地。例如,我們可以期待的發展新的增長無論是在北方走廊(從兀蘭榜鵝)和南部(從丹戎巴葛到巴西班讓碼頭) 。從長遠來看,我們的生活,工作和娛樂將繼續發展,我們將繼續利用技術和實施創新的解決方案,以進一步優化我們的土地使用。
2030年以後,下面的地圖展示了可能的檔案新加坡和可能的土地使用分配。它顯示的範圍,如果需要額外的土地復墾。這些幅填海土地,包括目前的土地劃為'儲備' ,可用於房屋,工業及其他用途。此外,地圖表示我們有可能回收我們的土地在未來的其他用途。隨著我國人口的需求和土地利用要求的發展,我們將完善這些計劃。